New NLRB Guidance: Employers Cannot Require Broad Waivers in Severance Agreements
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has issued new guidance on severance agreements, clarifying that employers cannot require employees to waive their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) in exchange for severance benefits. The memo offers guidance on the kinds of severance agreement provisions that could violate the Act if enforced, including confidentiality, non-disclosure, and non-disparagement clauses. This new development has significant implications for both employers and employees, and it is essential to ensure that severance agreements comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Lessons Learned: The Importance of Legal Counsel in Buying an Accounting Practice
Learn from John's experience - buying an accounting practice without legal counsel led to significant challenges, including lost time, delays, and client loss. Read on to understand the importance of seeking legal advice when purchasing an accounting practice and how it can protect your interests.
"New 'Speak Out' Act Might Invalidate Your Company’s Contracts
"New 'Speak Out' Act Invalidates Non-Disparagement Clauses in Contracts
Four considerations when determining how much your accounting practice may be worth
At SK&S, we offer legal and business advice on the purchase and sale of CPA and accounting practices.
The California Privacy Rights Act is Here! How to Update your Privacy Policy for the CPRA
SK&S is happy to help convert your CCPA Privacy Policy to CPRA compliance on a fixed fee basis- contact us for more information.
The long and the short of Colorado’s new prohibition on non-compete agreements
New Colorado non-compete rules impose strong penalties on employers who violate the statute — including fines of up to $5,000 for attempting to enforce or even present to an employee a non-compete that is later deemed “void.”
The life cycle of an accounting practice purchase
Deal cycle of a CPA firm or accounting practice buyout asset purchase agreement, transaction documents, bank approval, non-competes, employment agreements, due diligence, and the rest!
Employee Equity Options for the Business Owner
Companies wanting to incentivize their employees have a lot of options. The first thought is often equity, but Profit Sharing Plans or bonuses are typically easier and cheaper to administer and can have a similar impact.
Colorado Companies need to comply with sweeping new Wage Protection Rules
Sweeping legal changes go into effect January 1, 2022 will require rapid action on behalf of Colorado companies with employees.
How do you know if your workers should be paid like employees?
Hiring independent contractors is much less expensive and much simpler than onboarding employees. But if you pay someone who should be an employee as a contractor there can be steep legal and financial consequences.
Who can sign on behalf of a Company?
How do you know who can sign on behalf of a Company? What if you’re not sure and can’t confirm?
Can a company require its employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19?
Would you like to require your employees to be vaccinated? If you’re thinking of implementing a mandatory vaccination policy, be sure to not make these mistakes.
Can a member or manager compete with her Company?
In general, your operating agreement controls the rights and remedies of your company. However, in Colorado, the business of an LLC is also controlled by statute (C.R.S. § 7-80-101, et seq.), which spells out certain duties of members and managers.
Using Influencers to Promote Your Business: Legal Disclosure Requirements
With the quarantines and pandemic-era restrictions that make up our day-to-day, more companies than ever are turning to online marketing in 2021. Many of these companies or brands simply do not know the legal lay of the land in the social media marketing or affiliate marketing space. In fact, most advertising agencies are likewise in the dark.
Colorado's New Law Requires Compensation Details in All Job Postings
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) issued its final Equal Pay Transparency Rules (EPT Rules) which are new rules on job and promotional postings that went into effect January 1, 2021.
Moving Your Business from One State to the Next
Relocating your business from one state to another may raise EIN (or Tax ID) retention issues.
Are you a business owner who has recently moved to a new state?
Small Advertisers and Facebook's CCPA Function- What you need to know
Coming from a company that once claimed it did not sell personal information, Facebook’s introduction of CCPA controls in late June surprised many by introducing a “Limited Data Use” (LDU) capability on several Facebook features.
Tips for Navigating In-house Secondments as Outside Counsel
I recently finished a several month stint in-house helping out a client during one of their lawyers’ maternity leave. The experience was wonderful. Having been in-house for several years before, I was surprised, however, at how much more I learned this go-round.